Thursday, May 01, 2014

Exploring Emerging Church -

The Dandelion Community is part of The United Reformed Church which is part of Fresh Expressions UK. This v.short clip shares what Fresh Expressions is about and how it connects to people in the UK who are interested in connecting with spirituality and open to Jesus. 
The Dandelion Community is exploring what it means to be community, live faith and be real about who we are. We want to grow. We sense that it is time to go in a new direction and offer different forms and ways of making faith connect - Sunday morning church is one way, becoming a food-sharing community is another and making art together with conversations and prayer about life is another. 
We are interested to hear from and connect with people across the UK and the world who are moving or have moved away from more traditional forms of church and faith. We are open to learn and hope you will pray for us and we for you. God bless you today.