Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 16 Advent Reflection - Manchester Carols - The Trees by Carol Ann Duffy

It is an interesting image to work with - The Trees. Today think and pray for all the Christmas Trees - real and fake, which are in peoples homes and gardens and for the people who will decorate and dress them and the hopes and dreams they dress them with. Pray for all people that we will care for trees, listen to trees, protect and plant them and also that we will look at them in each season with gratefulness for they are life-giving in the way they take our dirty air and clean and recycle it. 
Thankyou God for Trees
Thankyou for Christmas Trees
Thankyou for each home or garden which welcomes a Christmas Tree
I pray for all trees as I see them this winter.
Thankyou for the work of trees which is life-giving for our mother earth.